Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fabric Gift Tags

I was thinking about fusing some fabric onto cardstock one day, and decided to google up how to do it. Anyway, I found this site that shows how to make gift tags by fusing fabric onto cardstock. So, I gave it a try. Thought it would look really good with matching cinch bags like the ones I made a month or so ago. Anyway, here's my how-to.

  • Card stock
  • fabric
  • no sew adhesive (heat n bond) fusing material.
  • Ironing board and iron
    Download Template Here. (for 8 x 11 paper, not 12 x 12)

    1. First, I start out with penciling the lines that I'm going to cut for the tags

    2. Next, I cut the adhesive to the size of the cardstock.

    3. The adhesive material has a paper side and the adhesive side. Put the adhesive side next to the wrong side of the cardstock (where you don't have the drawn lines). Place both the adhesive and the cardstock lined up on top of an ironing board with the adhesive's paper side up. Iron, the sheets together, staying at each spot for about 2 seconds. Once you've thoroughly fused the two pieces together your about ready to introduce the fabric.

    4. Cut the fabric to the same size as the cardstock and adhesive.
    5. Remove the paper side of the adhesive. The adhesive should stay with the cardstock as you peel the paper away.
    6. Put together the fabric's wrong side to the cardstock's newly fused adhesive side and place onto ironing board fabric side up. Iron all together same rule as last time... about 2 seconds on each spot. Be careful when ironing the fabric on. Start with one side and work your way slowly to the other, or the fabric might bunch up. You should now have a good fuse between the cardstock and fabric. Let's finish it up.

    7. Alright, so remember those lines you drew on? Time to use them and cut out your tags. Don't forget to erase the lines once your done.
    8. Use a hole puncher, and punch a hole out for the ribbon. I used an 8” piece of ribbon for a tie down.

    9. In addition, you can stamp on a To:/From: label onto the card... and there you have it. Optionally, instead of drawing lines or stamping, you can print out some gift tag designs onto cardstock and fuse fabric on the other side.

    These cards pictured are about 1 1/2” x 3” and a 12 x 12 cardstock gave me 30 gift tags.

    Now that that's all done, all I need to do is buy the gifts to tag. :-) Happy Shopping!

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